Thursday, May 19, 2011


 I knew who you were through friends, and Bethany. I had also seen you at Megan's bridal shower. But, it was this night, the night of my girls dance performance that I got the feeling. I saw you backstage and I knew who you were. You where clueless to who I was, but I knew you would marry my brother.
I went home and e-mailed Seth(who was still on his mission) telling him about you and sending him some pictures I stole off of your FB page. Your settings were not private yet, and we were not "friends"  No, I am not a crazy stalker lady, just a sister on a mission!:)
This is one of the pictures I sent him.  He e-mailed me back writing and I quote "She is beautiful!" When you didn't start dating as fast as I thought you would I was sad. One thing I have learned in life though is that Heavenly Fathers timing is not always ours! I was so excited when I found out you started to "hang out"
After your first date, I texted Seth and said
March 14th, 2011 9:18 am
Me- I Dreamt u and Krista got married! It's destiny I tell ya!!!:)
                                                                        Seth- Gosh Sari
                                                                       Me-No pressure:)
The spirt is only telling me you need to marry this girl, now get with the picture!(I didn't text him that but wanted to.)

Look at the two of you now! I am so excited to have a new sister!!! Love you both!

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