Saturday, May 14, 2011

If Tomorrow Never Comes-Boyfriend

As I was running errands yesterday the song "If Tomorrow Never Comes" by Garth Brooks came on the radio.  I have heard this song a million times, but for some reason it really hit me this time.  I started to think of all those I love and thought I would start a little series to write to each of them, letting them know how I truly feel in my heart of hearts about them. 
I will start with BOYFRIEND!:)
 Boyfriend, we have almost been married 10 years, can you believe it? It seems like yesterday we were at the temple, snow falling from the sky. We were so young, so stupid, but sooo in love! Nothing else mattered but being with you! I remember the first time I saw you! Your movie star smile had me at hello:) I know without a shadow of a doubt that we were meant for each other. We are complete and total opposites, your as manly as they come, and i'm as girly as the come, but we somehow just fit! We have been through so much together! You are my biggest strength, my shoulder to cry on (a lot) my sounding board for all my crazy thoughts and ideas. I love you more than words could ever express! I love you a million dillion! You, are who I want to spend eternity with, you are who keeps my heart bumping, you are my best friend, you are my prince charming! When you are away from me I snuggle your clothes so I can smell you, silly me:)
 If I were to die tomorrow, I hope you would know that you gave me all I ever wanted! I know I can be a complainer sometimes, but you have provided me with all a woman could ask for  temporally, spiritually, and emotionally! You have given me my two precious princesses, you made me a Momma! You are such a wonderful man! You honor your priesthood, your testimony strengthens all those you come in contact with. You are such an amazing example to me! Yes, you drive me crazy sometimes. You know how to press my buttons like no one else does. But If I had it all to do over again I would pick you! Sometimes while your sleeping I just stare at you. You look so angelic and peaceful. I love your features. You are beautiful!
If tomorrow never comes, know that you made me the happiest woman in all the universes! You are my one and only, my hunka, hunka burning love, my manly man, my dude, my boyfriend, my world, my sassy, sassy man!!!!

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