Saturday, May 14, 2011

If Tomorrow Never Comes- Chloe

My beautiful, beautiful Chloe! Oh how my heart bursts with love for you! You are absolutely amazing! You are what gives me happiness. You are such an amazing daughter of Heavenly Father! When I think of  you I smile, you have given your dad and I so much joy! It amazes me how smart you are! I want to to never doubt yourself. I know you can do anything you put your mind to! I am so thankful Heavenly Father sent you to me! You are so,so, precious! You have so many talents! Your an amazing artist and author, I love reading all the stories you write about little animals! You defiantly got your love of animals from your dad!:) I love the way you dance, and sing! The fun games you come up with like "Mad Cats" make me giggle! Remember that bloody Mary is not real!!! You have no reason to lose sleep over it! You are such a good friend to all around you! You are so beautiful inside and out. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you are going to have boys knocking down your door. Be kind to them, try not to break too many hearts. I know someday you will get your heart broken, it happens. Don't loose your self worth over it. Remember who you are, and that there is a special man out there who will love you take you to the temple when the time is right. I am so proud of the choice you made to get baptized.You amaze me with the way you get up and bare your testimony every fast Sunday!And it is cute how you run up and down from the podium. You have no fear, and I love that about you! Even when I forget to help you prepare a talk for primary, you get up anyway, and give a talk off the top of your head:) I promise you if you stay close to Heavenly Father, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ your life will be blessed. The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is the true, restored gospel on this earth. It will bring you so much happiness if you live by its teachings! I hope you will always have confidence in yourself because I know your potential, you will make the world a better place! Remember popularity is not important having integrity and virtue it what matters. If tomorrow never comes know that I love you eternally my baby girl, my skinny mini, my world!!!!!

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