Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Momma Mia!

Chloe has made a friend at school this year named Sydney. They became instant friends on the first day of school and have been bff's since. They are both really into Harry Potter, and play Harry Potter every recess. Sydney's Birthday was this last weekend and she invited Chloe to see Momma Mia! Chloe felt like such a big girl because she got to see a REAL broadway musical, and didn't get home until 11:30! Since that night, she can't quit talking about it, and she now wants to be a Broadway Star! Sydney's mom e-mailed me these fun pictures and note


Thanks so much for letting Chloe come with us.  We all had a great time.  Chloe is such a polite little sweetie pie; we love her to pieces!

Here are the best of the pictures.  Hopefully, they'll help the girls remember the experience for years to come.


I have had numerious people tell me they think Chloe looks like Amanda Seyfried, the actress who place Sophie in Momma Mia, the movie.

I totally see the resemblance!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me peek at your blog! This is the real, raw Sariah I know! I love it!!! I teared up at your "If tomorrow never comes" to Brent. This helps me know my nieces better too. We live so far away and I feel like I am missing out on so much! Love you and LOVE Sariahfied!
