Friday, May 20, 2011

Field Day

Emmy and Gabriel (our neighbor) decided to have their own field day at home, while Chloe and Robbie were having theirs at school! I am so thankful for amazing neighbors who are there to make wonderful memories with my girlies!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


 I knew who you were through friends, and Bethany. I had also seen you at Megan's bridal shower. But, it was this night, the night of my girls dance performance that I got the feeling. I saw you backstage and I knew who you were. You where clueless to who I was, but I knew you would marry my brother.
I went home and e-mailed Seth(who was still on his mission) telling him about you and sending him some pictures I stole off of your FB page. Your settings were not private yet, and we were not "friends"  No, I am not a crazy stalker lady, just a sister on a mission!:)
This is one of the pictures I sent him.  He e-mailed me back writing and I quote "She is beautiful!" When you didn't start dating as fast as I thought you would I was sad. One thing I have learned in life though is that Heavenly Fathers timing is not always ours! I was so excited when I found out you started to "hang out"
After your first date, I texted Seth and said
March 14th, 2011 9:18 am
Me- I Dreamt u and Krista got married! It's destiny I tell ya!!!:)
                                                                        Seth- Gosh Sari
                                                                       Me-No pressure:)
The spirt is only telling me you need to marry this girl, now get with the picture!(I didn't text him that but wanted to.)

Look at the two of you now! I am so excited to have a new sister!!! Love you both!


Emmy Temple

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Momma Mia!

Chloe has made a friend at school this year named Sydney. They became instant friends on the first day of school and have been bff's since. They are both really into Harry Potter, and play Harry Potter every recess. Sydney's Birthday was this last weekend and she invited Chloe to see Momma Mia! Chloe felt like such a big girl because she got to see a REAL broadway musical, and didn't get home until 11:30! Since that night, she can't quit talking about it, and she now wants to be a Broadway Star! Sydney's mom e-mailed me these fun pictures and note


Thanks so much for letting Chloe come with us.  We all had a great time.  Chloe is such a polite little sweetie pie; we love her to pieces!

Here are the best of the pictures.  Hopefully, they'll help the girls remember the experience for years to come.


I have had numerious people tell me they think Chloe looks like Amanda Seyfried, the actress who place Sophie in Momma Mia, the movie.

I totally see the resemblance!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Summer Magic

Summer Magic is my all time favorite movie. I love everything about it! It reminds me of my childhood. My sisters and I would sing and dance reenacting our favorite scenes.

Oh how I longed to dress up and have an icecream social on the lawn on Sunday afternoon. Oh how I wanted every dress Julia had from "Paris." Oh how I would dream of walking down the stairs to find an amazingly handsome man waiting to take me to the dance! I wanted so badly to be the "Pink of perfection!"

 I have been known to break into song while sitting on the front porch. My girls love it!
All I want to do
When the day is through
Is linger here on the front porch
With you
From the wicker swing
While the night birds sing
We'll watch the fireflies sparkin'
Do some sparkin' too
How the hours fly
As the moon drifts by --
How sweet the air
As we stare
At the sight
Oh! How I love to linger here like this
Hold your hand, and steal a kiss
Or two
On the front porch with you

All I want to do
When the day is through
Is linger here on the front porch
With you
From the wicker swing
While the night birds sing
We'll watch the fireflies sparkin'
Do some sparkin' too
(Some sparkin' too!)
How the hours fly
As the moon drifts by --
How sweet the air
As we stare
At the sight

Oh! How I love to linger here like this
Hold your hand, and steal a kiss
Or two
On the front porch with you
When I put this outfit together, the first thing I thought was "I look like Nancy!"

I plan on making boyfriend stand at the bottom of the stairs so re can reenact my favorite scene:) Whatever works right?

I think I might have to plan a little ice cream on the lawn soon!
You must walk feminine
talk feminine
smile and be gile feminine
utilize your femininity
thats what every girl should know
if she wants to catch a bow

dance feminine, glance feminine
act shy and sigh feminine
compliment his masculinity
thats what every girl should know
if she wants to catch a bow

let him do the talking
men adore good listeners
laugh, but not loudly, haha
if he should choose to tell a joke

Be radiant, but delicate
memorize the rules of ettiquette
be demure, sweet and pure
hide the real you

You must laugh feminine, dress feminine
you're at your best feminine
emphasize your feminity
thats what every girl should know
femininity, femininity
thats the way to catch a bow

Rice Village/Chocolate Bar

Tonight was close to perfect. We took the girls down to Rice Village for the first time to experience the Chocolate bar!

This place is a kids dream (a moms dream too:)

 I love this picture! Chloe is defiantly in heaven!

 We pretended we were visiting Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory.

 At one point Emmy got up from the table and broke out into dance. She was doing the happy chocolate dance!

I love my little family, and I love perfect nights like this!

Last day of preschool

Oh my dear, sweet, perfectly behaved, Emmy,  

You are always so cooperative  

                                                          and you are NEVER sassy or bossy

                                              You love sharing and are never competitive. You don't have a stubborn bone in your body!
What would I do without my perfect little Emmy!?
Last day of Preschool 2010

Easter 2011

 Easter this year was so fun!!! We have made such great friends here in Pearland! We got together after church and had an easter egg hunt. We then roasted peeps in the fire pit! They were so good! They were on sale at Kroger yesterday, and I bought a whole big box so we can roast them through the summer!

I am so thankful for My Savior! "Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me, oh it is wonderful, wonderful to me!" Happy Easter!!!