Monday, December 5, 2011

December happenings

Buddy retured to our house, and the girls are so excited!

 It finally has begun to cool off a little bit so we had some friends over to make smores.

 I finally got our christmas tree up!!! It took me about 4 hours going up and down the ladder, at 8 months preggo is not an easy task!:)

 I think this picture is funny, it shows the love that Dan and Brent have for each other.
 The demolition of the kitchen has begun, these manly men had it tore out in no time.
 It was so gross! Found all kinds of disgusting things like a rats nest back there

 Brent stayed up late last night getting the rest of the living room and kitchen painted, It looks a billion times better without the red.  The cabinets just arrived about 30 minutes ago, and they are gorgeous ! It is going to be so beautiful!!!

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