Monday, December 26, 2011

Best Christmas Ever!

Brent and I woke up to pounding on our door at 1:15 am! The girls were sleeping under the tree upstairs, and when when they woke up and saw santa had come they came running down! I quickly took them to their beds and threatened them insisting they do not come down until I come to get them and go back to sleep!
I went and got them about 6:30, because we had church at 8:30. They were allowed to open their stockings, then we ate, went to a beautiful church service, then came home to open the rest! It was nice to be able to sit in church early sunday morning, and really feel the spirit of Christmas! I am so thankful for my savior Jesus Christ!

Chloe got daddy some salsa bowls.and a big thing of salsa.

Emmy wrapped up some pennies for daddy!

Happy Christmas dance!
Emmy also gave daddy some gum balls.

Daddy surprised Chloe with all they Harry potter movies on blue ray!

She was thrilled!

The girls also wrapped up some gold coins for daddy:)

Dad had an amazing Christmas!

Dad and all his Christmas loot! He hit the jackpot!!!!!

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