Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chloe turns 9

 I can't believe it has been 9 years since my sweet baby Chloe was born!!!! She is turning into such an amazing young lady. I don't know how we got so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing daughter, but am so thankful we were!!!

For her special day she wanted to have some of her girlfriends come over. We all went to the Golden Corral( Chloes favorite restaurant) The chocolate fountain was a hit, Chloe even dipped her pickle in it...gross!!!We then came back to the house and watched Harry Potter.
 Chloe. Amy(our next door neighbor), Emmy, and Ashlee
 Sweet girls!
 I balloon attacked her while she was sleeping. She was so excited when she woke up!

Gosh I love this girl!!! Happy birthday Chloe Nicole!!!

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