Monday, October 31, 2011

Adult Halloween Party

Our amazingly fun friends and neighbors have an adult Halloween party every year and this years theme was opposites. Brent and I went with cowboy and indian. Boyfriend really got into character this year, I think he was really liking how he looked:)
 I found him this belt buckle at a garage sale a few weeks ago for 2 bucks! Ha! It even has an S on it!
 Such a poser with is IBC root beer(wanted to make sure all know its not real)

 These guys are what B likes to call his crew. I am so happy he has such a strong group of lds buddies!
A wonderful time was had by all!!!

33 years

Is it really possible that I am 33 years old? I still feel like I am 17! As I look back on my 33 years I feel so blessed to have had the life I have had. I have the most amazing family, the gospel, and all that is truly important in life. Sure, I am still not shopping at Chanel, but I wouldn't trade my little life for anyones!

Brent surprised me and invited some of our friends over for cake and ice cream, it was a very fun special day!

 I look like a beached whale in this picture, but I had to post it! We have some really fun, crazy friends!
My sweet girlfriends took me out to lunch to celebrate. I have the best friends!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Silverlakes storybook dress up day

Today was storybook day at the girls school. They had to dress up as a character in a book, and bring the book with them to school.
 Emmy was Fancy Nancy

 And Chloe was Hermione from Harry Potter

 Daddy surprised Chloe and ate lunch with her at school! She was so happy and excited to see him. She liked showing him off to all her friends.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let the Halloween festivities begin!

 Halloween is a HUGE deal around here! People go all out. I have never seen so many houses decorated or been to as many Halloween parties as we did last year. Tonight marked the beginning of the festivities, the girls went to The Knotts (our dear friends and neighbors house) for the first halloween party of the year.
I think I just might have the most adorable daughters ever!!! Look at those poses!

Night out in H-town

Disclamer: I am already starting to swell up and look like a heifer and I know this. Being pregnant is really hard on my self esteem and I sometimes wish I could crawl in a cave for the next few months. This was the only picture that was taken and it was such a fun night I had to document. This picture will definitely will NOT be going on facebook!!

We have seriously made some forever friends here in Pearland! These people have gone above and beyond in being there for and helping us! I consider these ladies my sisters, and what are the chances that Brent would call their husbands his crew( I am so glad he has such good buddies)!
Last night we all got all dressed up and went downtown for a fancy adult dinner.(We cruised up together in style in the Knotts mini van):) It was so nice to get out and just enjoy ourselves! The food and company were amazing!!!

Chloe turns 9

 I can't believe it has been 9 years since my sweet baby Chloe was born!!!! She is turning into such an amazing young lady. I don't know how we got so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing daughter, but am so thankful we were!!!

For her special day she wanted to have some of her girlfriends come over. We all went to the Golden Corral( Chloes favorite restaurant) The chocolate fountain was a hit, Chloe even dipped her pickle in it...gross!!!We then came back to the house and watched Harry Potter.
 Chloe. Amy(our next door neighbor), Emmy, and Ashlee
 Sweet girls!
 I balloon attacked her while she was sleeping. She was so excited when she woke up!

Gosh I love this girl!!! Happy birthday Chloe Nicole!!!