Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bridgers baby blessing

This past weekend our little Bridger boy recieved his baby blessing. It was such a special time. Pumkin, Muffin, Aunt Brenna, and Holly came to town, and we had such a wonderful time. I have the most amazing family!

I have so many memories of two stepping with my dad. We used to have family dance parties in our living room. It made my heart smile when "My Maria", by Brooks and Dunn came on and dad started two stepping around the living room with Bridger!

Chloe and Grandma soaking up some sun.

Aunt Brenna and precious Holly girl.
Bridger all dressed for his special day.

He recieved such a beautiful blessing with amazing promises in it. I am so thankful to have been blessed with such an amazing spirit! I am also so thankful for a husband who honors his preisthood.

Bridger and all the men who stood in his blessing circle

We had a dinner after to celebrate and had our special friends over. Dad cooked a brisket, and it was delicious!
Love these people!!!

Still a little fluffy, but mom keeps reminding me I just had a baby:)  We had so much fun being together!

Sweet Bridger boy! We all love you so much!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Love the pics, wish I could have been there!He is getting so big. Still think he looks like Chloe girl when she was little. Love you!
