Friday, January 13, 2012

She's About To Pop...with Bridger

I feel so blessed to have made such amazing friends here in Pearland! They threw the sweetest baby shower for me, the theme was~ Shes About To Pop!

It was so cute, they had ring pops, blow pops, pop rocks, soda poppers
Poppy seed muffins, cake pops 4 amazing flavors of pop corn, and jalapeno poppers!

My AMAZING girlfriends!!!! I am so blessed to have these special ladies in my life!!!!

This picture is so funny to me, look how huge my belly is!!! My friend Holly is just 2 months behind me and I am totally covering up her tiny self!


It was such a special shower, I felt undeserving of it, and of these women's love and generosity! Blessed beyond measure! Now to just get this baby boy out of me!

1 comment:

  1. What a darling shower! Your hair looks awesome. I am so happy you have such lovely friends. I can't wait to meet some of them and to come see you and baby Bridger!!! Not much longer. Love you!
