Friday, January 13, 2012

She's About To Pop...with Bridger

I feel so blessed to have made such amazing friends here in Pearland! They threw the sweetest baby shower for me, the theme was~ Shes About To Pop!

It was so cute, they had ring pops, blow pops, pop rocks, soda poppers
Poppy seed muffins, cake pops 4 amazing flavors of pop corn, and jalapeno poppers!

My AMAZING girlfriends!!!! I am so blessed to have these special ladies in my life!!!!

This picture is so funny to me, look how huge my belly is!!! My friend Holly is just 2 months behind me and I am totally covering up her tiny self!


It was such a special shower, I felt undeserving of it, and of these women's love and generosity! Blessed beyond measure! Now to just get this baby boy out of me!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's always fun for everyone when Grandma comes!

Grandma Lisa got to come visit for a few days after Christmas! We were so excited to have her here! She spent most of her time helping the girls learn how to skate on their new skates. Grandma and Brent also took the girls to schlitterbahn water park and had the best day ever.

I love these pictures, and we love Grandma Lisa!!!