Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

 We spent Christmas Eve with our dear friends the Cuevas. No Christmas Eve would be complete without the Queen of Christmas Eve cake!

 The girls didn't take it too hard when Ashlee won, it helped that I had consolation prizes!

 The Queen of Christmas Eve!

 Chloe and the new squinty eye face she gives all the time. Isn't she too young to be giving attitude?

 I can not believe I am posting this picture, even my nose is swollen!!! But this girl and I are kindred spirits! Holly has been such a blessing in my life!!! She is pregnant with #3 as well, but having a girl and is 2 months behind me.
 Brent reading the Christmas story

 And The Nephite Christmas story

 Christmas Eve Jammies

 I am soooo ready to have this baby, don't think I can get any bigger!

 Trying to get a family shot is impossible!

 Holly, Ryan, Morgan, and Ashlee Quevas

 Squinty eye face

 Sleeping under the tree, so excited!

 Looks like Santa made it!!!

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