Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

 I am so glad my Mom and Dad got to come visit for Thanksgiving this year! We made lots of fun memories! Like being white trash and eating at Golden Coral for Thanksgiving lunch! The parents thought this was a horrible idea, but went along with it any way! We went to Bass Pro after, and Santa was there taking free pictures, so we took him up on that! My Mom also bought Bridger the cutest camouflage bedding! His room is going to be so fun! They also gave us some Elk horns from an elk my dad killed, my great grandpas saddle bags, and gun holders, I am going to decorate his room with all these fun things.
 We came home to rest up a bit and the guys watched some football!
 We then went to our friends the Squires house for dessert. These pictures make me laugh so hard! Not only do I look like a beached whale,
I am sitting so lady like! I didn't realize how I was sitting until looking at these pictures and we all have got some huge laughs out of them!
 Chloe got to go on her first fishing trip with her Dad and Pumpkin.

 She was soooo excited and I think they all had a fun time......

 even though they only caught one fish:)
 Emmy stayed with the girls and we did a little shopping. We didn't brave the black friday crowds, we left around 7:00 am and there were no crowds for us.
 Cookies HAVE to be made while Grandma is here!
 And my parents just couldn't let the Golden Coral thing go, so we made our own turkey, and had a Thanksgiving feast Friday night. Emmy pretty much did all the work.

 The prized fish!
 Filleting the fish

 Dad, Dan, Brent, and Tyler, doing man stuff.

 While the turkey was cooking we went over to Kemah to walk the board walk

 My oh so swollen self
 The girls rode a few rides, then we headed home for our feast.

 During the feast the table somehow burst into song, just like in the movies. Pumpkin started singing then we all joined in
 Why do birds suddenly appear

Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

On the day that you were born the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
Of golden starlight in your eyes of blue

That is why all the girls in town
(Girls in town)
Follow you
(Follow you)
All around
(All around)
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you!
It was so funny!!
Brent thinks we are all crazy!!!!
A huge milestone happened just after dinner....

 Emmy lost her first tooth!!!!!!! It was so funny! it started to bleed, so I popped it out!
 She was so excited and lucky because the tooth fairy was extra nice because Grandma and Pumpkin were in town!!!!!

The parents just left and I was so sad to see them go, but it made it easier knowing they will be back in about 60 days when Bridger joins the family!!!! One other funny thing that happened while they were here. Mom got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. She thought Dad got up too and was waiting to go next. She walks out and thinks the Christmas tree is dad and tells it that she is done. When it doesnt respond she thinks it is an intruder and screams and punches the tree! Hi ya!!!! Soooo funny I am still laughing about it!


  1. Wow so many fun and funny memories! :) Thanks for posting pics, I am sad we couldn't all be together. Love the pics of you squatting like a squaw to give birth and I loved all your stories. Close to you and karate chopping Christmas Trees definitely rank high up on the charts of awesome-ness. Congrats to Emmy on losing her first tooth!

  2. *Giggling*I can totally see mom punching the tree. *Giggling again* Love seeing these pics! So glad they were there for Turkey Day. I can't wait to see Bridger's room.
    You look fantastic!!! Love that baby bump!
