Monday, August 1, 2011

Emmy 6 years old

  • How old are you? 6
  • What is your favorite color? pink and red
  • What is your favorite smell? bubble bread
  • What is your favorite band or singer? Momma Mia/ Justin Beiber/ HSM
  • What is your favorite food? Chick-Fillet
  • What is your favorite drink? Lemonade
  • What is your favorite celebrity? Gabriella and Troy from High School Musical
  • Who is your favorite teacher and subject? I like math and am about to start school
  • What is your favorite TV show? my little pony
  • What is your favorite movie? High School Musical
  • What is your favorite game? war and go-fish
  • What is your best birthday memory? Lake Quivera birthday on dock
  • What is the best memory of the last year? dog show/power play/meeting new friends in Pearland
  • What do you like to do when you’re not in school? swim, sing, dance,cheer, ride bike
  • Who are your best friends? Cj/Ashley/Gabriel/Emily/Macy/Avery/Ellie
  • What is your favorite thing to do with mom? With Dad?Chick-fillet, story time/Chuck-e-cheese
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? fashion designer/singer/be on dancing with the stars
  • What is your favorite candy? ring pops
  • Where is your favorite place to visit? Lake Quivira/Carlsbad
  • What is your favorite toy? Pooh bear
  • Emmys words- Nibbles/wilt(Won't) maktkin(napkin) billion dillion, dora(another)goons(croutons)

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